Friday, August 28, 2009

Thunderwear for dogs

I would have never believed it until I saw it in person. Toby saw too, he was not so keen on it prefers to hang out under my bed in the case I am speaking of! Allie Toby's friend next door gets so stressed out over thunderstorms and fireworks she usually has a panic attack and needs to take anxiety medicine. Until recently she was fine with the medicine after all she got to take it with a treat! She is now 5 and smart enough to know better! Her Mom was talking to their vet about other solutions and he recommended Thunderwear. It is basically a large tight fitting shirt that the dog wears and it helps to calm them during stressful situations! Some dogs I know want nothing to do with wearing clothing, but for those who do, sound like a pretty neat idea. The Daily Herald had an article on it on the 15Th of August. You can go the following site for more information It does come in various colors for those pooches who are fashionable!

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