Monday, February 22, 2010

Seat Belt Safety For Dogs

The Daily Herald, Associated Press, recently had an interesting article on pet safety. According to Bark Buckle Up, a California based pet advocacy group, a 60 lb golden retriever can hit you with 2,700 pounds of force in a 35 mph crash. WOW! They have compiled a nice helpful list of safety restraints for your furry friends.

Dog Safety Harness: Various companies, including Ruff Rider, and Immi Inc. make harnesses for dogs that can be connected to the seat belts in the back of your car. Bark Buckle Up recommends Immi's PetBuckle. It has passed the same kind of crash tests used for humans.
Crates and Carriers: An enclosed crate or carrier is the safest place for a pet. Carriers should be secured in the seat with a tether system that snaps into the seat belts.
Pet Tube: No your dog will not be going tubing down the sled hill with the kids! This tube is a fabric tunnel with a mesh top that snaps into the back seat. While the dog is not harnessed inside, he is still kept in a confined area, so as he will not go far if you stop fast. sells them in various sizes.
Booster Seats: You got it, you now can have one for your child and the dog! Dog booster seats are perfect for smaller dogs that want to be able to see out the car window. This will keep them secure and allow them to see what is around without jumping around. For those smaller dogs that get colder quicker they also have heated booster seats.
No matter how short of a trip you might be taking with your canine companion in the car, always remember to be safe. Even if your dog might listen well to you and stay in one spot during the ride, keep in mind how he might react if you were in an accident, and someone else was coming into the car to help you out. Dogs often react differently in stressful situations.

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